Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6

Another Sunday is here. This morning I led worship and had fun with the children's time as we talked about all the blessings we have. I used an idea from Seasons that might be used at IUC. We put biscuits (cookies) in bowls as we named a blessing in our lives. Of course the adults also contributed and our bowls were overflowing and we still had more biscuits left in the bag. This object lesson was referring to the widow who gave Elijah hospitality and she never ran out of bread and oil. It is very enjoyable doing ministry with folk who recognize so many blessings in their lives. I also led my first communion here and we stood in a circle and myself and the communion elder served everyone. It was a very meaningful way to serve the elements.
I thought I would share some more Australian English: A thrift store is Op shop as in Opportunity shop; VLTs are called Pokies; Tasmanians are called Tassies; other Australians are called mainlanders; New Zealanders are called Kiwis; English folk are called Pom; a flat bed truck is call a ute as in a utility vehicle; fast food is not take out but take away; and a Bottle Shop is a liquor store.
This afternoon we went driving as it was a beautiful sunny day. Lately there have been many overcast days so we wanted to take advantage of the sunshine. Bruce noticed on Google Earth a large beach behind the airport at Davenport so we headed there. It was a great beach and you could walk for miles. This beach was called Moorland Beach. We then went to a community called Port Sorell. They had a great beach called Freers Beach. Beside this beach there were walking trails that were suitable for those in wheel chairs so folks with mobility problems could also enjoy this beach. We will return there as Bruce wants to do some fishing and a local fisherman told us it was a good spot.
Blessings to the folks at IUC and I hope your Sunday afternoon is as pleasant as ours was.

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