Friday, June 11, 2010

June 12

This week we took a two day trip to Cradle Mountain. This is a World Heritage site and one of those must see places in Tasmania. It was a beautiful sunny day but the road was full of twists and turns and lots of slowing down to 25 kmh. The closer we got it was cloudier and cloudier and by the time we had checked into our room it was starting to snow. It does snow in Tasmania at the higher elevations! We drove around but didn't enter the park. We decided we would go to see a Tasmanian Devil sanctuary. It was fascinating to see the devils and they are quite interesting creatures. They showed us a video and talked to us about the problems the devils are having. In the past 10 years 80% of the population has died off due mainly to a facial cancer that the devils pass to each other like a virus. This is possible as the gene pool is so small that they are like clones of each other. The sanctuary we were at was trying to breed devils that were resistant to the cancer. The young man who talked to us has a real passion for his work. He brought in a devil that we could touch -- only on the rear end though!! We then saw them have a feeding. The hotel we stayed at had lots of cabins and was a very nice place. The hotel was quite full as the word had gone out that there was snow and all the locals come up to play in it. It was a very icy and wet snow. In the morning we met a man from Queensland and he was very happy and told us he was 58 years old and this was his first time seeing snow. I told him it was perfect snow for snowballs and he told us that he and his mates had a snowball fight at 11:00 pm the night before. I didn't really enjoy the snow as it was so wet and my feet just got too cold. We thought we would take a tour of the park and we booked a bus tour. It turned out we were the only ones who went on the tour and our guide was full of information about the trees and plants as well as the history of the park. The park is actually the vision of one man in the early 1900's who bought 200 acres and his wife bought another 200 acres. They started a small business of bringing in adventuresome rich folk. They believed if they built up the tourism the government would build a road in and of course this is exactly what happened. The government also took over the park so the area could be preserved. After being there for two days we never did see Cradle Mountain but we did learn about it. We will try again to see it when there is a better weather forecast. Note: The mountain should be behind us!!

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