Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24

We had an overnight trip to Stanley. Stanley is the most northern settlement in Tasmania. It is a beautiful town at the foot of the Circular Head called the nut. The nut is a volcanic plug that withstood the the erosion that removed soft surrounding sediment. It is hard to imagine how huge the volcano must have been when the nut is just the inner plug. The town has kept all the charm from when it was established in the 1840's. It is fun to just walk down main street and see all the old buildings. We stayed at the Stanley Hotel that was established in 1847. This is off season so we were able to pick our room and we took one that had a balcony. We were fortunate that it was a sunny day and when we took the chair lift to the top of the nut we had a beautiful view. There is a walk at the top that circles the around and takes about 40 minutes to walk. We even saw a little bandicoot (a small pointy nose marsupial) that ran across the path. I really enjoy seeing animals that we only see in a zoo in Canada. Stanley is a tourist town and most hotels and attractions were closed but we only went to see the nut. The Stanley Hotel restaurant was open and we were able to get fresh sea food for supper. In the morning we drove to Marrawah. This town seemed to be only a post office and store. It has a beautiful beach called Green Point. This is one of the three best surfing beaches in Australia. There were large waves while we were there. This was another great day trip. This morning the Australian prime minister was replaced by Julia Gillard who, the first woman prime minister Australia has ever had. This change didn't happen at a leadership conference but by the caucus. The news on TV seems to be covering it from every angle possible. Politics seems to be the same everywhere!!


  1. Margaret and Bruce....we are thoroughly enjoying your blog and photos...a great way to share your wonderful experiences and thanks for that.

  2. We are finally having summer here. Real warm with frequent thunder storms. the house shook yesterday night and if you have been catching any news from here, south eastern Alberta and south western Saskatchewan had floods last week. Part of Hwy 1 is being repaired because it was totally wiped out. Where can I send you pictures to?
    I have a new job at the church as of today too!! I can now run the computer in the sound booth!!! Christine and Cheryl are showing an interest too so we may have a few more to select from in times of need!
    Well, I just got up because I couldn't sleep. Had ice tea at a BBQ tonight and it is the culprit I am guessing. It is 1am now so must try to get back to bed.
    Keep sending us news. It is great to hear how things are going there. Hope you are settling into the apartment and that Bruce isn't too bored without having to chop wood anymore!
