Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2

Today we went to a congregation member's home for lunch and to plan worship. After we we ate and plans were made our host took us on a tour of the area. They live in a community called Mole Creek. This creek received its name because the creek goes above and below ground like a mole through a series of caves. You can see one of the above ground caves in the picture. Only the locals know about the caves so it was quite special to be taken there. I am standing near the caves in front of a grove of gum trees. This creek is also the source of water for their swimming pool. It was amazing to see a community that was able to maintain a pool which is similar to Knee Hill Valley in our area. Our host then took us to a viewpoint on a very deep gorge. We walked about 20 minutes to get there and as we walked you could here kookaburras laughing. It is called Alum Gorge and the one side of it glimmers when the sun is on it because of the mica in the rock. Our host is with Bruce at the viewpoint. We are slowly getting to know the area around Deloraine.

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