Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18

Today was an awesome day as we went to the Trowunna Wildlife Park. This Park is just west of Deloraine in the Mole Creek. Trowunna takes animals in that have been abandoned. Usually the animals parents are killed on the highways. They also have an active breeding program for Tasmanian Devils and work with center we saw up at Cradle Mountain. All of the females are pregnant and they will have over two dozen fetuses about the size of a kernel of rice. Only 4 to 6 will survive and emerge from the pouch. Devils seem to be curious creatures that hope you have some food. We were able to see another feeding which explains why they came out of their hutches when we came by. They really like their food and fight for it. We have seen Wallabies and Wombats in the wild but now were able to see them up close. The wallabies walk around the whole park and walked right up to us. I was surprised to see one which appeared to have an extra set of feet sticking out of it. I have the cartoon image of a kangaroo with the baby poking its head out of the pouch. Apparently this is a more common site as they nurse with their heads down. One of the Wallabies came up and sniffed our hands. The highlight for me was to be able to snuggle a wombat. She was an adult and weighed over 30 pounds. Her name was Lilley and she was found on the side of the road by two young girls who took her home. Because of this Lilley thinks she is human and acts like a large lap dog. As Lilley grew up her instincts as a burrowing animal kicked in and she started to burrow in the house and then under the house. Wombats can be litter trained. She will not be able to be released into the wild again but she will have a good home in the Park. She wants to be petted and snuggled all the time so is a good Wombat for a Canadian like me! We also saw some wedge tail eagles and Kookaburras who had wing damage from being hit with cars. The roads here are very unfriendly to the wild-life. On the way back from the Wildlife Park we stopped in Chudleigh at the Honey factory where you could taste all sorts of honey as well as have a honey ice cream cone, which was delicious.

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