Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16

Today we decided to go into Launceston. On our previous trips we have gone shopping but this time we decided to check out some of the sites. We walked along a Board walk on the South Esk River. We found a nice place for a Fish and Chips lunch but it wasn't the best we have tasted. We decided to view the Cataract Gorge. This is quite an amazing site caused by an earthquake about 10,000 years ago and the river changed course and the gorge has developed since then. This is not the best time of year to see it as there isn't as much water as at other times. Apparently when there is lots of water the ground you walk up on shakes and you can hear boulders being moved. On one side of the river is a difficult trail of rock stairs but on the other side is a easy trail. Can you guess which on we took?
We started our walk from the wrought-iron Kings Bridge a which is a replica of the one shipped from England in 1904. As we walked over the bridge a tour boat went up the river.

I loved the steep cliffs we walked beside. I have been working on next Sunday's sermon where Elijah hears God in the silence. These were just like the cliffs that artists have Elijah standing on. We then drove home the back way which is like taking highway 2A instead of 2. It was another good day in Tasmania.

1 comment:

  1. Your weather seems similar to ours. I am not seeing my comments come us so I must be doing something wrong when I sign off. I hope you are getting my news!!!
    We are going camping today for a week but it only looks like the sun will shine on Saturday and sunday. going to Buck lake.
    will check blog when we get home. Enjoying the pictures and notes.
