Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20

Happy Fathers' Day to all the dads in Canada. In Tasmania Father's day happens at a different time of the year. I am not sure exactly when. Bruce heard from his children which was very nice. We saw Avery for the first time since we left as James and Kendra didn't have their web cam working until now. Church went well this morning. We focused on the Psalms 42 & 43. The Worship Leader found several modern Christian songs on a DVD which reflected the Lament of the Psalmist. It was quite a different service where we only sang one hymn. Today was another beautiful sunny day -- Sundays are great days for travelling to the ocean and that is what we did. At Port Sorell we found a good spot for Bruce to fish and we will return on a week day. It seems like a lots of people showed up as the tide cames in so we will have to watch the tides as well and maybe Bruce will catch a fish! One of the interesting food items in Tasmania is the different kinds of pumpkins they have. The pumpkins are shaped like ours except some have green skins and some are grey skinned. I made pumpkin pie with one variety of green pumpkin called Kent and the pie had a very mild pumpkin taste. Pumpkin pie is not eaten here. Pumpkin is only eaten as a vegetable or in soup. In the grocery store you see all sorts of potatoes and they are known by their names. No one calls them just potatoes but by their name. Folk seemed to have their favorite varieties. It is just another one of those little differences. Here are few more words: Rice Krispies are called Rice Bubbles; go carts are called Billy carts and paper airplanes are called darts. I hope you have a great Sunday. Blessings to everyone at IUC.

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