Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1

Today was a special day. Bruce finally saw a platypus in the Meander river. Unfortunately I went to church early to open doors and turn on the heat. My quest continues to see one in the wild. This week we decided to explore more of the East Coast. We took the long way to St Helen's. We went up to George Town which is past Launceston and then followed the coast line down to St. Helen's. We stayed in a great hotel with a spa bath tub--the first bath I've had since we changed homes. (I have been taking showers!) It was very interesting as there is sandy beach after sandy beach along the coast. We went to the Bay of Fires which received its name from the first settlers seeing aboriginal fires around the Bay. It was a good day but it did rain so we didn't spend a lot of time walking the beaches. On the way home we went through a community called St. Mary and we had to drive through Elephant pass. I am not sure how it received its name but this pass is a very narrow road with hair pin turns. We would of liked to have stopped but there was no place to turn off. We did make a quick stop to clear a fallen rocks half way up. St. Mary was a small town with interesting craft stores. I purchased a very soft purple scarf. We have a routine here. On Mondays I lead a lectionary Bible study. On Tuesday I meet with the Worship Leader and lead a women'sBible Study. On Wednesday and Thursday we try and travel some place we haven't been. On Friday I finish up my preparations for Sunday and on Saturday we head out to one of the local special places we have found. I hope you all had a good week. Blessings to all the folks at IUC.

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