Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25

This was an incredibly busy and enjoyable week. Monday started out with the usual getting ready for the Lectionary Bible Study and then having the study. Tuesday got busier as the women asked if I would lead KYB (Know Your Bible). This study is about Hosea. Tuesday evening Bruce and I went to Fit Ball which is always lots of fun. Wednesday was a great day of going places that tourists just don't get to see. We started by going to visit a man who has two camels. He and his wife ride the camels and they also participate in the local nativity pageant. We then went to a home which, in the early 1900's, was a whole town site called Wesleydale. This couple are restoring the site to its original state. They also raise Macaw's (a type of Parrot). The aviary was huge in a beautiful garden. We returned to Chudleigh for lunch in a small restaurant that is in a corner of the local store.We then went to see a couple who were in quite ill health and live in a tiny home that is situated in the bend of a small river. It was an incredible place for a home. The final home we went to was owned by a couple whose hobby is rescuing wild animals. When we drove into their yard we were met by an emu. We never did ask how it had arrived there but it was interesting to get so close. We went into their home and you could see the sleeves of a hoody were quite puffed out and when we went closer the hoody was the home of two baby wombats. The wombats mothers had been killed by a car and the babies were taken from the pouch and still needed lots of snuggling which Bruce and I were glad to offer. In the corner of the kitchen we noticed some movement and they were also caring for a couple of pademelons (very small wallabies). On the outside of the patio door were many different kinds of ducks. As we left we went to their aviary and saw a barn owl that had been injured and was being nursed. Thursday we went to a local farmers for lunch which was delicious dinner. Bruce and the farmer went out quading which they said was to check the fences in the tree plantation but I think it was just a lot of fun. I went out with the wife to their creek looking for a platypus but we were not successful. On Friday we went for dinner in Launceston at the home of the minister of a large inner city Uniting church. It was a time of lots of conversation and good food. I learned about the Uniting Church and it seems that many of their problems can also be found in Canada. I did get some interesting ideas from our conversation. Now you may think that was a full week but on Saturday it was a beautiful sunny day so we headed out to the Western Tiers. The tiers are not far from Deloraine and we hadn't been yet. The tiers are very high hills and when we got to the top there is a huge plateau. We first came to Great Lake. The Lake is about 30 km long and to locals this is a must see . We also discovered Waddamana an old hydro station which is now a Museum. I had never seen how hydro electricity is created and I found it very interesting. Now it is Sunday and of course we had church. I brought a map and we marked all the places of family, friends, and mission projects. Then the children created a pray about all the places we marked. Innisfail United Church was one those places. Folks other than me were thinking and praying for you. It was another sunny day so we just couldn't stay home so we took a drive down to Penguin and discovered that every Sunday there is a Market. It was fun to see all the arts and crafts folks had created.
I don't know what next week will bring but if the weather keeps up it will certainly involve exploring more of Tasmania. We realize how quickly the time is going by.
Blessings to everyone at Innisfail United Church!!

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