Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22

It is our final night in Tasmania. It is hard to believe how fast the time has gone by. This week-end I went to a Live-In Presbytery Meeting. This was a residential learning event. The theme was Your Place or Mine: Hospitality as Mission. It was a thought provoking time as the presenter, Dr. Steve Taylor, suggested that hospitality could happen in and beyond the doors of the church. There was no formal business at this gathering and lots of opportunities to have fellowship. On Saturday night we had lots of fun using our creative sides to demonstrate hospitality in 2045. I took some pictures of the silliness. At the closing we had communion and it was part of the lunch meal. We ate lunch and then broke freshly made bread and smothered it with home made raspberry jam. It is the first communion that at the end I had to say "I am stuffed." Tasmania Presbytery friends wave hello to everyone in Canada.
This evening we had supper at friends from Deloraine. This couple has given us hospitality many times -- always with a great meal and lots of conversation. We are glad to be on our way home but sad to leave all the friends we have made here.

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