Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15

Today was my final service at Deloraine Uniting Church. The worship leader planned a meaningful service where we could say our good-byes. Each member of the congregation gave us little notes of what they appreciated about our ministry with them. Bruce and I were moved by what folks had to say to us. Church was followed by a great pot-luck lunch. We took a picture of them waving hello to everyone back at Innisfail United Church.
It was another busy week. We went to the Deloraine Primary School and showed our slides to a class of grade fives and sixes. The children were quite engaged and asked good questions such as: "What is the most dangerous animal in Canada?" "Do you speak English?" "Do you have a John Moose? (she meant John Deere)" The students were actually quite aware of Canada. We visited a couple who live in the next town and have antique racing cars and motorcycles. Bruce really enjoyed the tour. I enjoyed the passion he had for his hobby. They own a school bus line and in that garage were many murals of the town of Westbury. The murals were there when they bought the building and they have restored them and commissioned a couple more. Last week I told you about the National Park where there were lots of wombats. Friday was a beautiful day so we headed out. It was an amazing day. The park has lots of wombat and wallabies and incredible terrain. At this park you go from grassy plain, to swamp, to sand dunes, to sandy beach. It was a great day! I even managed to take some video of the wombat and wallabies. This upcoming week promises to have more places to visit and another dinner invitation. Blessings to all the folks at Innisfail United Church.

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