Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11

It has been another week of experiencing Tasmania. There hasn't been travelling on my part as Bruce went to Fiji to visit his brother and sister-in-law on Tuesday and will not be back until this coming Thursday. I haven't learned to drive standard and that is the only vehicle we have access to. I was willing to try but Bruce didn't think he could teach me with all the hills in Deloraine. That means this week I walked everywhere. I don't mind as this is a very pretty town. Each day I go for a walk along the river looking for the platypus that lives there. I have finally seen the bubbles that they make but he just wouldn't cooperate by coming to the surface. After I walk along the Meander river I cruise down main street. I have never seen a community with so many second hand stores. There are seven!! I wonder if anyone buys new clothes or furniture in town or do they just recycle amongst themselves. The people are very friendly and I usually have a chat with someone.

I received a e-mail from Doug Edgar about the progress of the Labyrinth. It looks great and I am sure we will get our regulars and some new ones taking advantage of it. I put in a couple of pictures of a maze in town made with hedges. You can see that they made one look like a tea pot and in the summer it is a fountain with water flowing from the spout. I thought it would be an interesting way to make a labyrinth but I don't think Innisfail has the climate for it.
I had three invitations for meals from members of the congregation this week so it is good that I have to walk as I can feel the pounds coming on my waistline. Uniting Church folks are just as good cooks as United!!
I have discovered that Tasmanians are very good neighbors. The wallabies are not great as neighbors. They come up to the house at night and eat almost everything green. When you go outside in the morning you have to be careful you don't step in the little gifts they leave behind.
Blessings to all those at Innisfail United Church!!

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be doing great on your own...using your feet for transportation and exploring Deloraine. I forgot to tell you last month I was at wedding and met someone from Mayerthorpe..Yohamis..I think that's how you say it. She sings in the choir and remembered you and the family. They are on their 3 minister since you left. All is well...getting lots of rain as predicted by the pig farmer from Bruderheim and also getting lots of sunshine. Time is flying by, before you know it will be Set. 1. Later gator.
