Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 18

This was another week I spent not going far from Deloraine. Bruce was in Fiji until Thursday and he had a great time with his brother and sister-in-law. Bruce spent most of his time fishing, snorkeling and even went scuba diving. You can see in the picture Bruce had a special post to man. He arrived home very happy with all sorts of stories of the small community he had visited forty years ago.

I was invited to share pictures of Canada in two senior residences. On Monday I went to a residence that was similar to Autumn Glen in Innisfail. On Tuesday I went to another residence that is similar to Rosefield. All the seniors had lots of questions. I had not anticipated our pictures being the entertainment they were. I shouldn't have been surprised as I find everything here so interesting.
I was contacted by the minister in Launceston about a Uniting Church Mission and Service project that was happening in Deloraine. From my reading it appears The Uniting Church has two kinds of M&S projects. One is Uniting World and these are ones that happen outside of Australia. The owners of the home we are currently in are in Tonga working for Uniting World. The other projects are called Uniting Care and usually involve seniors but there is a very interesting project in Deloraine. This is project involves providing support for young women who are pregnant or have young children. The Uniting Care worker comes from Launceston one day a week. She did not realize that there was a Uniting Church here and the the Deloriane church did not realize the project was a Uniting one. I will try and make a few connections so these young women will have support from members of the congregation. At this time they are working on building a play ground and are raising funds for it. It will be built mainly from grants and donations from the government, business and organizations but these young women are also working hard. This coming Friday there will be a Sausage Sizzle at the local grocery store which I think is similar to our hot dog and hamburger sales we have in Canada.
The weather has been very rainy and when it rains here it really pours. On Friday it was a beautiful sunny day so we went to our favorite spot Port Sorrel and Bruce went fishing and I walked along the beach. Bruce did release that little fellow so it will have a chance to grow up!! It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.
I hope all is well with everyone at Innisfail United Church. Blessings to you all!!

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