Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 31

We spent Sunday afternoon looking for a platypus that lives in the Meander river. We weren't successful but hopefully before we leave will see it. Instead we saw some more of the interesting statues that they have along the river bank.

In the evening there was an ecumenical service at the Anglican Church. It is an imposing structure that can be seen from almost everywhere in Deloraine. At night they even shine a light on it and that really makes it very impressive. The service was a traditional evening service from their prayer book. They had a passing of the peace part way through and when I went to shake one gentleman's hand he hung on and told me this story. He said do you recognize my accent and fortunately he didn't wait for an answer. He said it's Welsh and Australians can never guess it -- they say is it English or Scottish or Irish and he let me know he didn't like those guesses. When the person never guesses Wales he would say oh its OK I'm Canadian.

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