Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 30

Another week has flown by in Tasmania. We are now at the Sunday after Pentecost and it is Trinity Sunday when we celebrate the three persona's of God. I looked for images of three here in Tasmania to raise up this concept. We went to Launceston this week to explore a bit and to buy a printer. We did get our first parking ticket and fortunately that did not come in three!! We went on Thursday to visit a State park called Liffey falls. The park is a rainforest with the Liffey river travelling through it. You walk about a half an hour to see the falls but while you are walking you come to three cascades. The first two are like small water falls, the third is like a very narrow water fall and then you come to the actual water fall -- The three cascades travel into a beautiful waterfalls. It was very impressive. I asked the couple who took us up there if this was a must see sight in Tasmania and they said no but the Cradle Mountain is. We have now planned to go up there in about 10 days to spend the night. On Saturday we went to a community called Burnie as they had been advertising a farmers market. While we were there it rained three times but the weather didn't stop our enjoyment of the farmers market or the fish and chips (that were delicious) we had for lunch. I am also beginning to get involved more in the community. I have joined a fitness class which is quite fun. I am also attending most of the activities that happen through the church. There is a woman's Bible study on Tuesday afternoons. It is called KYB which stands for Know Your Bible. There is also a Friday night Fellowship group that meets in peoples homes. I meet with the Worship Leader each week to choose scripture and then at worship all I do is the sermon and Blessing and Sending Forth. I also attended Deloraine Christian Leadership meeting which is similar to our Ministerial. I find this group interesting as it seems that each of the churches reach into the community offering their gifts. One group does youth group, another does care of seniors and another help those who struggle with poverty. In their work with these different parts of the population they encourage those they come in contact with to attend their own church on Sunday and their groups mid-week. I find their attitude quite uplifting. Their is no concern about stealing members only about reaching out in Christian Fellowship. This evening I will be participating in one of the Ecumenical Services the Christian Leadsrs have on the fifth sunday of a month. Life is good here in Tasmania. I hope life is just as good in Innisfail. Blessings to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to send a comment and update you on our goings on, but not having luck. hope my picture uploads.
    see you soon
